March 1, 2011 11:06 am / no comments
Remember the guy whose seeing eye dog led him and a bunch of other people out of the World Trade Center on 9/11? That was a pretty damn awesome dog. Of course, she was a seeing eye dog, so that almost goes without saying. But I find myself wondering: how would a seeing eye dog [...]
February 11, 2011 3:52 pm / 2 comments
I was really tempted to call this post Stickshifts and Safety Belts, but that doesn’t actually work. I drive an automatic. Most people in the US do. It’s the easy option. But, come the Day of Apocalypse (DoA – very appropriate, no?) you may need to know how to drive something else. Just imagine: You’re [...]
February 10, 2011 3:39 pm / 2 comments
Did you know shooting ranges can provide you with zombie targets? I did not, though it seems obvious in retrospect. Eight of us went shooting, and I wasn’t even the least experienced person! That was awesome. We decided to go for an indoor range since it was cold out and we were worried about rain. [...]
December 1, 2010 3:15 pm / no comments
In no particular order, here are a bunch of things I’ve decided to do as part of the program. Walking/Running at least 3 times a week, in order to increase endurance and speed, for fleeing as necessary. Weights/Climbing. Not sure which… This may necessitate getting a membership at Planet Granite. If I can afford it. [...]
November 27, 2010 5:09 am / 1 comment
My friend Tadao Tomomatsu began to show me how to look at houses to assess Zombie Apocalypse Resistance (which I think I’ll call ZAR score, and which I have randomly decided will range from 1 to 5). For example… Only one of these two houses has a chance of surviving the Zombie Apocalypse; can you [...]
November 17, 2010 2:56 am / 8 comments
Because when the zombies attack, I want to survive. I’m not saying the Zombie Apocalypse is happening in six months (I’m also not saying it’s not, because, really, who can predict zombies?). But I plan to be ready — within six months. Which means learning the skills necessary to survive. Marksmanship? Absolutely. Cardio? Also a [...]