February 11, 2011 3:52 pm / 2 comments
I was really tempted to call this post Stickshifts and Safety Belts, but that doesn’t actually work. I drive an automatic. Most people in the US do. It’s the easy option. But, come the Day of Apocalypse (DoA – very appropriate, no?) you may need to know how to drive something else. Just imagine: You’re [...]
December 8, 2010 12:23 pm / no comments
This looks incredibly cool: Edible and Medicinal Wild Plants.The rhetoric is a bit frou-frou-feel-good, but the actual lesson looks great. They take you around and show you which local plants are edible or medicinal, like the name says. The next taster/intro class is February 6th, somewhere in the East Bay. I’m thinking this is a [...]
December 6, 2010 5:28 pm / no comments
W00t! I’m now registered for the next CERT course in Mountain View (and my boyfriend is considering joining me). Let me tell you about CERT (Community Emergency Response Team)… Actually, I don’t know much about it yet. But here’s what the website says: “Over the course of 4 weeks, CERT members receive training in earthquake [...]
December 1, 2010 3:15 pm / no comments
In no particular order, here are a bunch of things I’ve decided to do as part of the program. Walking/Running at least 3 times a week, in order to increase endurance and speed, for fleeing as necessary. Weights/Climbing. Not sure which… This may necessitate getting a membership at Planet Granite. If I can afford it. [...]