March 1, 2011 11:06 am / no comments
Remember the guy whose seeing eye dog led him and a bunch of other people out of the World Trade Center on 9/11? That was a pretty damn awesome dog. Of course, she was a seeing eye dog, so that almost goes without saying. But I find myself wondering: how would a seeing eye dog [...]
February 28, 2011 10:50 am / no comments
In the Santa Cruz mountains. Can’t think of a better place for it. These folks run a five hour class on surviving in the wild, as the native Americans might have. My guess is that they’ll be on the crunchy-granola side of things, but that’s fine by me. If the edible plants class we took [...]
January 7, 2011 5:58 pm / no comments
Six Months now has an open Facebook Group (feel free to join) We also have Events! This weekend is an outing to a shooting range, so those of us who don’t know how to shoot can learn and those who do can show off and those who are gun crazy can play with their new [...]
November 17, 2010 2:56 am / 8 comments
Because when the zombies attack, I want to survive. I’m not saying the Zombie Apocalypse is happening in six months (I’m also not saying it’s not, because, really, who can predict zombies?). But I plan to be ready — within six months. Which means learning the skills necessary to survive. Marksmanship? Absolutely. Cardio? Also a [...]